La ligue des Familles

By CemeaFrance, 12 June, 2024
Ligue des Familles - Belgique


Short description
The Ligue des familles supports and defends all families in Wallonia and Brussels. The association develops solutions for its members' parenting needs. For over 100 years, the Ligue des familles has been helping you to be more serene and fulfilled parents.
Detailled description

The Ligue des familles is, of course, the Ligueur: the parents' magazine and its web and social network versions. It also means fighting to ensure that parenting support policies are strengthened and adapted to the new realities of families. They are projects for lifelong education, for critical and constructive debate, and for helping to build a better world. On a day-to-day basis, this means hundreds of volunteers involved in their communities, and a host of practical helpers such as trained babysitters to whom you can entrust your toddlers without worry, second-hand clothes and toys, good deals and classified ads...


Avenue Émile de Béco, 109
1050 Brussels
