
This is a website that assesses whether your email address has already found its way onto hacking lists.

Educational situation: enter an email address and (perhaps) scare yourself by finding out whether your address is on a hacking list. Precise definitions will help you to understand exactly what information has potentially been stolen, and how it was stolen. Don't forget to advise people to change their passwords if necessary!

As a brave new world of ubiquitous AI arrives, an overview of the latest tech advances. Europe is playing catch up in the frantic AI technology race but has an ever-growing number of start-ups specialising in the field. Jonas Andrulis, founder of Aleph Alpha, a company based in Heidelberg in Germany, is looking to generate AI capable of streamlining the work of public bodies. Frenchman Thomas Wolf, co-founder of the Hugging Face platform, favours open source AI that is accessible to all.

Algorithmic video surveillance has transformed the "classic" cameras on the streets of our cities. This technology, sold by its promoters as a "decision aid", is actually an algorithmic layer added to the cameras to identify and analyze the allegedly "suspicious" behaviors or movements that the police want to track. Its deployment is carried out in complete opacity and without any public debate, in probably more than a hundred cities today, leaving the field free for the industrialists to promote and perfect their product of which we are the guinea pigs.