
By francoisa, 13 February, 2025

Faire prendre conscience des la présence de Data-brockers, omniprésents sur de nombreux sites Internet grand public.

Niveau de complexité (en termes de temps, matériel et profil de personne)

Matériel nécessaire : Imprimer la fiche "Tutoriel" utilisable en mode découverte en autonomie.

Nombre de participant·es : Pas de limites. 


By CemeaFrance, 23 December, 2024
La Contre-Voie is an association recognised as being in the public interest, which defends digital ethics through awareness-raising activities and the hosting of free digital services.
By CemeaFrance, 23 December, 2024
Since 1985, ritimo network has been bringing together places and organisations in France (documentation centres, resource centres, online media and documentary projects, etc.) that are collectively committed to a project to promote international solidarity. It leads national and international debate on the role of information as well as the appropriation and use of digital tools for local and global citizen initiatives.
By CemeaFrance, 17 December, 2024
The DARE network is a European platform for education for democratic citizenship and human rights education. It is engaging in networking and supporting cooperation of practitioners, stakeholders and policy makers.

The DARE network developed a free and open Digital Toolbox for democracy learning, digitalisation and non-formal education, named Competendo.
By CemeaFrance, 18 October, 2024


“Cartography of Resistance” explores illegal Zagreb from 1941 to 1945, the networks and organizations of resistance, and their roots in the workers' and party organizing of the 1930s.
By CemeaFrance, 2 December, 2024

Faire prendre conscience des CGU (Conditions GĂ©nĂ©rales d'Utilisation) des services sur Internet et de notre capacitĂ© Ă  accepter et surtout refuser d’utiliser ses services, en tout connaissance de cause.


By CemeaFrance, 18 October, 2024


Pirate Care is a research process - primarily based in the transnational European space - that maps the increasingly present forms of activism at the intersection of “care” and “piracy”, which in new and interesting ways are trying to intervene in one of the most important challenges of our time, that is, the ‘crisis of care’ in all its multiple and interconnected dimensions